Lovi Tacklia: My Father: A Symbol of Struggle and Love

Sunday, June 16, 2024

My Father: A Symbol of Struggle and Love

My Father: A Symbol of Struggle and Love

Father... this word itself holds a whole world in itself. My father is not just a person for me but a feeling, who has made my life beautiful with his love, struggle and sacrifice. Every day he is so busy with his work and responsibilities that we hardly get a chance to spend time with him. But every little thing he does makes us feel his loving affection.

*Father's Struggle

Every day with the first ray of the morning my father would leave for his work. He used to work hard not only for his family but also to fulfill his dreams. His struggle was not limited to earning money, it also included the dream of shaping our future. When he returned home late at night after a hard day's work, we were often in deep sleep. He would kiss our foreheads lovingly, as if leaving a mark of his love and blessings.

*Our Waiting Eyes

We used to wait impatiently for him to return home every day. We always thought that maybe today papa will come home on time, and we will be able to spend some time with him. But his business responsibilities did not allow him to return home early. Because of this, we got very few opportunities to meet him. We often used to wonder why papa is so strict? Does he not love us? But his immense love for us was hidden in everything he did.

*Gift of sweets and samosas

Papa used to try to come home early in the evening once a month, apart from his busy schedule. He used to bring sweets and samosas to make us happy. Those moments were the most special for us. We never went to a restaurant to eat, but the sweets and samosas that papa brought were better than any restaurant food. Every moment spent with him was no less than a festival for us.

*Lack of cinema in life

In our childhood, we never went to watch a movie in a cinema hall. Due to Papa's busy schedule, we always felt that something was incomplete in our life. When I topped my class in class 12th, one of my friend's father told Papa. Papa was very happy to hear this news, but he could not share that happiness with me as I was celebrating at my friend's house.

*Papa's happiness and our tears

That day, Papa came home at 3 pm and asked my mother, "Where is Chiku?" My brother called me from my friend's house, and I ran home. Papa was very happy to see me, and I saw tears of joy on his face. I could not hold back my tears after seeing him. He told me, "You have topped the university; then why are you crying?" I still don't have the answer to that question!!!

*Papa's precious love

My father has sacrificed his happiness for us. Our happiness has been the most important thing in his life. His every step and every sacrifice is a source of inspiration for us. Our life is incomplete without Papa. His struggle and love have taught us that no matter how many difficulties come in life, we should always stand up for our loved ones.

I love my father very much. Any amount of thanks for what he has done for us will be less. On Father's Day, I salute my father and consider him the most precious asset of my entire life. Without him, our life would have been really incomplete.


  1. Your article is heart touching and beautifully expresses the essence of father's love and sacrifice.


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